Universal Translator

Friday 19 May 2017

The Golden-ish Girls --Episode: “Thank You for Being My Insurance Provider?”

(A Fan-Fiction Salute)

[Intro: “Thank You For Being A Friend”]
[Interior scene: Kitchen]
[Two men in suits walk into the kitchen from the garage. They carry a little old lady in a yellow robe between them. She has a boombox in one hand, a purse in the other. They set her down.]
Man #1:
So Mrs. Petrillo, you understand the mission.
Yeah, I sing my song. Then I get a big-screen TV.
Man #2:
If they like it…
[Man #1 pokes him]
I mean, after you sing it. This is the final stop -your home turf.
Of course, they’ll like. This reminds of a story...picture it, Rome, 1952. I was visiting my cousin Gina…
Man #1:
Are they out there? You want that big beautiful big-screen television, am I right?
[She walks to door leading into livingroom. She sneaks a peek and turns back]
They’re on the couch.
Man #1:
[To Sophia] Now get out there and sing your sweet little Italian grandmother butt off!
[Whispers to Man #1]You can treat me to an egg cream at Wolfie’s first. [She pinches his butt. The man looks uncomfortable.]
Man #2:
[He walks to the door, pokes his head out]
Are you ladies ready for some great entertainment?
We’re as ready as a vixen at a Chippendales convention! [Turns to Dorothy] Can you believe my sister Virginia stole that idea for her new book “Vixen Goes to Hollywood! [She picks up a book from the endtable and reads the back of it]Vixen meets a group of retired male strippers and becomes embroiled in a torrid affair with them all’. Can you believe her thievery? Now I’m glad I stole her beau at that winter cotillion that one year back in school.
Not now, Blanche! [Turns her head to the kitchen and points]
Who was that man? [Everyone ignores her]
Oh boy! Afternoon entertainment! Dorothy, is this what they call a ‘matinee’?
[sarcastically] Yes, Rose. In a minute, Dreyfuss is going to come along pulling a wagon asking us to go to the lobby and buy ice cream and Raisinets.
I like Goobers. You know the chocolate-covered peanuts in a……
[Interrupting Rose] Rose, you are a Goober.
[Sophia walks into living room. Rose, Blanche, and Dorothy just watch her as she plugs in the boombox. Sophia smiles and presses the play button.]
[Singing to the tune of "Thanks for the Memory"] "Thanks for the Medicare / For Blue Cross and Blue Shield / For a hip that finally healed /
Aetna and United Healthcare, oh such great appeal!/ We thank you so much!" Okay, what did you think? Now don't hold back, I can take the criticism.
[Unplugging her boombox and storming out] Go to hell, all of ya!
[Sophia bursts back into the kitchen]
Okay, Rodgers and Hammerstein, let’s talk about the TV.
Man #1:
Did they like it?
Sophia: Did they like it? Does the Pope love my marinara sauce? Let me tell you a story...picture it, Rome, 1970. I was visiting my cousin Gina. She gets a call from the Vatican saying the cook had food poisoning. Immediately, I jump into action. I run to the Vatican with my saucepan. I’m in such a hurry that I trip. A small child helps me to my feet. That child was...Mario Batali.
Man #2:
Ok, they hated it. I demand my TV though, I can’t be blamed for shoddy writing.
Man #1:
Ok, Mrs. Petrillo, you’ll get your TV. If anything the health insurance industry is fair and generous.
[Reaching into her purse, she pulls out a card]
You can deliver it tomorrow. Before supper….anytime before four pm.
[Man #1 takes the card and he and Man #2 walk to the door to the garage]
Man #2:
[whispers] You’re going to give her the TV?
Man #1:
[whispering back] Only a small 12-inch set. It’ll be a big screen when she sits really close to it –we’re cancelling her vision coverage next week. [He pauses, looks around, and gives a big grin] Pre-existing condition!
Man #2:
You’re my hero! [He pats Man #1 on the back. They exit.]
[Dorothy walks into the kitchen followed by Rose and Blanche]
Ma, who were those men?
[Nervously] The Hopkins twins...collecting money for their paper route...yeah, that’s it, Hopkins kids, paper route.
Ma, Sam and Mike are eleven years old.
[sarcastically] Hey, when you were eleven, the Harlem Globetrotters tried to put you on their team. Unfortunately, it was the same year you got braces. Your father worked too hard to get that metal into your mouth….plus we couldn’t find a mouthguard large enough.
I’m serious, Ma. What is going on?
They hired me to go around singing that little song in all the malls. They called it community outreach. They’re insurance lobbyists...and they’re giving me a big-screen TV.
Ma, I forbid it. I will not allow you to do this. Lowering yourself to their level. The Tv probably isn’t even real. They used you, Ma.
You won’t allow me? Oh, what will you allow me to do? [sarcastically] What will you allow me to do? Go on a date without a chaperone? Buy a wine cooler with my new ID? I’m going to my room! [She pauses and turns back] If the cute one calls, tell him I might be able to sneak out after 11:00 after you go to bed! [She storms out, slamming the kitchen door]
[Dorothy and Blanche sit down at the table. Rose pulls a cheesecake out of the fridge and brings it to the table]
Should I carry a slice to Sophia?
[sarcastically] No, Rose. We’ll let her calm herself down and read her Tiger Beat magazine first.
[Rose looks puzzled]
Will she be alright, Dorothy?
She’ll be fine. She’s just scared and angry. We both got letters from our healthcare providers saying our premiums will be going up. It’s frightening to be old and knowing your health insurance might not be affordable in a time you really need it. But we’ll make it!
Of course we will. We have each other! [She pats the other girls on the shoulder] And we’re going to get out there and change the system.
You know this reminds me of the time in St.Olaf when Johan Higgehlooper tried to get universal udder insurance for his dairy cows. You see Johan had really dry skin on his hands and everytime…
Dorothy and Blanche:
[Together] Oh, shut up, Rose!
[Credits roll]